Toy Story 3
The third installment in the Toy Story saga.

Packed with adventure, comedy, and some surprisingly dark moments for a children's move, it delvers quite an entertaining show overall.
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Finally got around to watching this, and in 3D no less. The 3D glasses where a little annoying specially for someone who already wears glasses, and surprisingly, there was very little 3D involved.
Anyway, Woody and his friends get donated by mistake when Andy is packing up and getting ready to leave for college. They meat an cold, calculating, evil teddy bear that smells of strawberries called Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear; Lotso for short. He runs the day care center they've been donated too like a prison. Where new toys get put in the room for the smaller children to manhandle, bash, chew, slobber and all but destroy the poor newcomers. While the evil pink bear and his cohorts remain in the room for the older kids which treat them nicer and have a pleasant experience overall.
Woody and the gang must come up with a plan to escape this nightmarish daycare and return home, as Andy was going to take Woody to College with him.
Many fun moments issue when Buzz Lightyear is reset to factory defaults and region changed to Spanish. his over the top Spanish dances and innuendos on Jessy make for lots of jokes and funny gags.
Escaping brings about more funny moments including Mr. Potato Head using a tortilla, and a Lincoln log (that's not a Licoln log) from a sand box in the yard as a body to aid the escape, while his potato body is retrieved.
Lotso eventually thwarts their escape and manages to get the toys picked up with the garbage, but ends up being taken himself when he is thrown into the same dumpster by one of his goons: a big baby doll.
Getting thrown into a big land fill, our heroes must escape from a fiery doom as they approach an incinerator furnace with the rest of the garbage. Being saved at the last minute by the 3 little green claw machine aliens, in a bit of irony using a huge claw from the landfill our heroes return to Andy, only for woody to realize its time to leave Andy and be donated to a little girl that goes to the day care they had been held in.
Though there are some decidedly darker moments, particularly when the toys decide to take their fate and be incinerated, they all hold hands and just sit there waiting to be grilled only to be saved at the last minute by the aliens.
Other than that, the movie is full of action, adventure, and laughs as they try to escape Lotso's Prison.
Overall a nice movie to spend a lazy Sunday with the family.
The Glasses where uncomfortable, and the amount of actual 3D scenes was hardly enough to warrant it. If you can avoid the 3D experience do so.
Packed with adventure, comedy, and some surprisingly dark moments for a children's move, it delvers quite an entertaining show overall.
to Avoid Spoilers scroll down to get the rating.
Finally got around to watching this, and in 3D no less. The 3D glasses where a little annoying specially for someone who already wears glasses, and surprisingly, there was very little 3D involved.
Anyway, Woody and his friends get donated by mistake when Andy is packing up and getting ready to leave for college. They meat an cold, calculating, evil teddy bear that smells of strawberries called Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear; Lotso for short. He runs the day care center they've been donated too like a prison. Where new toys get put in the room for the smaller children to manhandle, bash, chew, slobber and all but destroy the poor newcomers. While the evil pink bear and his cohorts remain in the room for the older kids which treat them nicer and have a pleasant experience overall.
Woody and the gang must come up with a plan to escape this nightmarish daycare and return home, as Andy was going to take Woody to College with him.
Many fun moments issue when Buzz Lightyear is reset to factory defaults and region changed to Spanish. his over the top Spanish dances and innuendos on Jessy make for lots of jokes and funny gags.
Escaping brings about more funny moments including Mr. Potato Head using a tortilla, and a Lincoln log (that's not a Licoln log) from a sand box in the yard as a body to aid the escape, while his potato body is retrieved.
Lotso eventually thwarts their escape and manages to get the toys picked up with the garbage, but ends up being taken himself when he is thrown into the same dumpster by one of his goons: a big baby doll.
Getting thrown into a big land fill, our heroes must escape from a fiery doom as they approach an incinerator furnace with the rest of the garbage. Being saved at the last minute by the 3 little green claw machine aliens, in a bit of irony using a huge claw from the landfill our heroes return to Andy, only for woody to realize its time to leave Andy and be donated to a little girl that goes to the day care they had been held in.
Though there are some decidedly darker moments, particularly when the toys decide to take their fate and be incinerated, they all hold hands and just sit there waiting to be grilled only to be saved at the last minute by the aliens.
Other than that, the movie is full of action, adventure, and laughs as they try to escape Lotso's Prison.
Overall a nice movie to spend a lazy Sunday with the family.
Regular Movie: 4 reels
3D Experience:1.5 reels.
The Glasses where uncomfortable, and the amount of actual 3D scenes was hardly enough to warrant it. If you can avoid the 3D experience do so.
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