The Thor movie, the 4th Installment in Marvel's connected series of films gearing up towards The Avengers movie.

Natalie Portman : Jane Foster
Antohny Hopkinks: Odin the All Father
Tom Hiddleston : Loki
Colm Feore: Frost Giant King Laufey
Throughout the years Marvel has come up with different versions of Thor, from a memoryless God in a partially disabled human's body, through to an eco nut that thinks he's a god, and even an equine looking alien. The movie version however, is loosely based on the original story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for Atlas Comics' Journey into Mystery comic book series; specifically #83.
Branagh takes the original story set forth by Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby and gives it a more Sci-Fi-esque feel to it. He removes the Human alter ego, of Dr Donald Blake and only mentions him as a reference for the fans to pick up in the way of a flimsy cover story SHIELD agent Coulson sees right through. He also gives the Asgardian people a decidedly more Sci-Fi based back story. He makes them really powerful Alien. fortunately for the viewers it actually works pretty nicely in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Additionally Chris Hemsworth does a great job of buffing up to a muscularly chiseled physique befitting a "God". Sir Anthony Hopkins gives a great performance as the All Father Odin, royal and Shakespearean through and through.
The main feel of the story however is kept, as Odin banishes his son Thor to Midgard (Earth), stripping him of his powers in the process, after having re-ignited a war with the frost giants, and sends his all powerful hammer Mjolnir to to earth with a condition: only those who are worthy may wield it, and be granted the power of Thor.
Meanwhile in Asgard Loki Thor's evil half brother seems to be planning the demise of his adoptive father Odin while he is in his required Odinsleep from which he seemingly cannot be awoken.
Having to fit the story in a little under 2 hours, means Thor's character growth and development is fast-forwarded just a bit too much to be all that convincing. In the same vein his love interest seems to go from dismissing him as a mental case with delusions of grandeur to falling head over heels for him almost overnight.
Action scenes are really nicely done, and the terror that is the Destroyer Armor, a mystical suit of armor that does the bidding of the ruler of Asgard; who due to the Odin sleep befalling Odin, is at the moment Thor's treacherous half brother Loki, is rendered incredibly well, capturing the reflections and shininess of a polished metallic armor that is about 30 feet tall.
In an attempt to destroy his brother Loki sends the armor to earth. Thor being de-powered at the time can do nothing but heroically give his life to save the human's lives instead.
The Hammer senses Thor is now worthy of wielding it once more, and flies to him, transforming civilian Thor (which bears a striking resemblance to the Erik Masterson version of the character) into the Mighty Thor in a flash of lightning.
Having regained his hammer and powers along with it, Thor must find a way to return to Asgard to stop his evil brother from obliterating an entire planet.
Sadly Loki's powers and agenda aren't as well fleshed out, and even though Tom Hiddleston's portrayal is a dark and multiple layered performance its hard to find real drive in Loki's actions after all is said an done.
Overall the movie is lots of fun to watch with a couple of issues here and there, but nothing experience shattering. If you want to have a good time, and delve a bit more than usual into Marvel Comics' deep character mythos this is a good movie to watch.
As I mentioned above this is the 4th movie in Marvel's joined Cinematic Universe.
Iron-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron-Man 2 being the previous 3. All 4 movies are designed to inhabit the same fictional Universe. Marvel's upcoming Captain America movie will be the 5th installment, and will get us a step closer to the Avenger's Movie where this has all been headed to.
As always with Marvel's movies, stay until after all the credit's have rolled to see a special scene with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Main Cast
Chris Hemsworth : Thor OdinsonNatalie Portman : Jane Foster
Antohny Hopkinks: Odin the All Father
Tom Hiddleston : Loki
Colm Feore: Frost Giant King Laufey
Kenneth BranaghAs always a Warning: Some SPOLIERS ahead, to jump down to final thoughts and scoring click HERE
Throughout the years Marvel has come up with different versions of Thor, from a memoryless God in a partially disabled human's body, through to an eco nut that thinks he's a god, and even an equine looking alien. The movie version however, is loosely based on the original story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for Atlas Comics' Journey into Mystery comic book series; specifically #83.
Branagh takes the original story set forth by Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby and gives it a more Sci-Fi-esque feel to it. He removes the Human alter ego, of Dr Donald Blake and only mentions him as a reference for the fans to pick up in the way of a flimsy cover story SHIELD agent Coulson sees right through. He also gives the Asgardian people a decidedly more Sci-Fi based back story. He makes them really powerful Alien. fortunately for the viewers it actually works pretty nicely in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Additionally Chris Hemsworth does a great job of buffing up to a muscularly chiseled physique befitting a "God". Sir Anthony Hopkins gives a great performance as the All Father Odin, royal and Shakespearean through and through.
The main feel of the story however is kept, as Odin banishes his son Thor to Midgard (Earth), stripping him of his powers in the process, after having re-ignited a war with the frost giants, and sends his all powerful hammer Mjolnir to to earth with a condition: only those who are worthy may wield it, and be granted the power of Thor.
Meanwhile in Asgard Loki Thor's evil half brother seems to be planning the demise of his adoptive father Odin while he is in his required Odinsleep from which he seemingly cannot be awoken.
Having to fit the story in a little under 2 hours, means Thor's character growth and development is fast-forwarded just a bit too much to be all that convincing. In the same vein his love interest seems to go from dismissing him as a mental case with delusions of grandeur to falling head over heels for him almost overnight.
Action scenes are really nicely done, and the terror that is the Destroyer Armor, a mystical suit of armor that does the bidding of the ruler of Asgard; who due to the Odin sleep befalling Odin, is at the moment Thor's treacherous half brother Loki, is rendered incredibly well, capturing the reflections and shininess of a polished metallic armor that is about 30 feet tall.
In an attempt to destroy his brother Loki sends the armor to earth. Thor being de-powered at the time can do nothing but heroically give his life to save the human's lives instead.
The Hammer senses Thor is now worthy of wielding it once more, and flies to him, transforming civilian Thor (which bears a striking resemblance to the Erik Masterson version of the character) into the Mighty Thor in a flash of lightning.
Having regained his hammer and powers along with it, Thor must find a way to return to Asgard to stop his evil brother from obliterating an entire planet.
Sadly Loki's powers and agenda aren't as well fleshed out, and even though Tom Hiddleston's portrayal is a dark and multiple layered performance its hard to find real drive in Loki's actions after all is said an done.
Overall and Grade
Overall the movie is lots of fun to watch with a couple of issues here and there, but nothing experience shattering. If you want to have a good time, and delve a bit more than usual into Marvel Comics' deep character mythos this is a good movie to watch.
4.5 out of 5 reels
Marvel Cinematic Universe
As I mentioned above this is the 4th movie in Marvel's joined Cinematic Universe.
Iron-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron-Man 2 being the previous 3. All 4 movies are designed to inhabit the same fictional Universe. Marvel's upcoming Captain America movie will be the 5th installment, and will get us a step closer to the Avenger's Movie where this has all been headed to.
As always with Marvel's movies, stay until after all the credit's have rolled to see a special scene with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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