The Dark Knight Rises

What can I say about this movie... Avoiding Spoilers this is my review of The Dark Knight Rises
Direction, camera movement, story, dialog everything is excellent. The characters work, the story work, the plot admittedly has some minor issues here and there, but overall is quite solid.There's quite a few nods to the comic books from which this story is taken. And they are executed quite well in my opinion. For an almost 3 hour long movie, it never seems slow, or boring, there's always something happening, and surprisingly most of the movie does not involve Batman. For the parts he's in its awesome, yet it doesn't feel as if he really needed to be there more. There are good reasons for him not being there. There's quite a lot of time invested in Wayne, and it shows just how multi-layered the character can be.
There is a very nice surprise, for all those fans of the comic book, which I'm not going to spoil, but suffice it so say, you'll be whacked in the face with it at the end, and yet feel like it was the right thing to have done. I do have a few nitpicks like Bane's overall position in the movie, but it can be overlooked for the marvelous web of story and character development Christopher Nolan manages to create in this movie.
All I can say is if you liked the previous movies you'll love this one, and if you remotely find Batman interesting this movie will blow you away. Its truly a great example of what a comic book based movie can be. Is good, its well edited, awesomely directed, and fantastically set up. This is one movie that's going to become a favorite of many. One of those you can't forget. And a movie you'll want to go back and see again.
4.8 of 5 Bat Symbols
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