Top 12 Most Anticipated Movies for 2013

As I said last time:
Most of these are still under development, but since IMDB has them slated for 2013, I can consider them. Granted some may not see release then but one can hope.
So strap on, these are my top 12 most anticipated movies for 2013:
For some reason, this movie attracts me. I'm really not a huge fan of the lord of mystery and suspense, but I have enjoyed his movies, and for some reason found myself watching his TV series: Alfred Hitchcock Presents when they chose to rerun it as a kid. So I'm kind of curious about this one. Starring Anthony Hopkins as the title character it looks to be an interesting ride.
The Wolverine
I know, I know, Origins was a mess of a movie, but what can I say; I guess this is just morbid curiosity of how they'll further screw it up. And what characters they trample over this time. I hope I'm wrong and it turns out to be a good movie, but I'm not harboring much hope.
The Tomb
The Return of Arnie to the big screen. Being such a big fan of his movies, I'm eagerly awaiting this one. Hopefully we'll get to see the implausible Arnie at his best. This should be an action fest like Eraser or Total Recall.
The Hunger Games: Catching fire
Not much to be said about this one, other than I hope it lives up to the first one.
Man of Steel
Superman Returns was everything we did not want or expected in a Superman film, so I don't think this one can do any worse. Hopefully it will reignite the Superman torch and gives us a few more entries into the blue boy scout's cinematic saga.
Untitled Star Trek Sequel
J.J. Abrams tore through the Star Trek universe with little regard for the established continuities and created his own. With the Help of Roberto Orci and his partner in crime: Alex Kurtzman, they created a wonderfully convoluted reason to have a new fresh universe they could work with. Don't know exactly why they felt they need to do that. Still Kurtzman and Orci have delivered some of my favorite TV shows, so it baffles me when they can produce crap like the Transformers movies. Though part of that credit needs to go to Michael Bay, but still... I can't help but wonder what they'll do to Star Trek this time.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation
What can I say, I really want to see the continuation of this story. The anticipation was only made worse when they pushed back the release date to run it through the 3D conversion process. Personally I think its unnecessary, but 3D is in so much vogue right now, everybody wants to be in 3D.
Yes this remake has me on the edge of my seat. Robocop 1 & 2 were the personification of what 80's R rated action films were all about. Blood, gore, violence and awesome heroes that wasted bad guys left and right in really gruesome ways. This Robocop is supposedly going to keep the R rating which just makes me giddy with anticipation for it.
Chronicles of Riddick: Dead Man Stalking
Ahh Riddick... from little Sci-fi horror movie, to Sci-fi icon... He's the man with the silver eyes. Hope this sequel is a good one. Looking forward to it.
Top 3
Iron Man 3
This is an obvious one. I'm a big fan of Marvel movies, loved the first 2 Iron -Man movies and thoroughly enjoyed Avengers, so of course I'm really anticipating this one.
Pacific Rim
This one caught me totally by surprise. Being the big fan of Guillermo del Toro that I am, when I found out he was making this as a homage to giant robot anime, and giant monster movies from Japan, I was thrilled. This promises to be an awesome film, if his previous work on Hellboy and Blade are any indication. It could also open the door for more Giant robot movies. Who wouldn't love to see Mazinger Z or Voltron live action movies???
And the number one most Anticipated film for 2013 is:
Mortal Kombat
O.K. Lets get it out of the way first: Mortal Kombat 1 was a decent movie. Mortal Kombat Annihilation was crap. Pure and simple Crap.
This new iteration is inspired by a short film starring Michael Jai White as Jax Briggs, and Kerry Ryan as Sonya Blade. The short film eventually led to a web series Mortal Kombat: Legacy, and has now made it possible for New Line Cinema to green light a new theatrical version. The premise of the short film is centered on the real world, were the MK characters are all alternate versions of the themselves. The short film was received positively, though it caused a bit of confusion. This theatrical version has some promise if you look at the short film. Hopefully it will turn out to be a good movie, with a functional plot. I'm really looking forward to this movie, as it could be the way to bring MK lore to the fore front, and have some good movies made.
WTF Mention:
While researching the movies coming out next year I found this little gem of WTFness.
Back in 1988, comedy director, and Ghostubusters producer Ivan Reitman teamed up Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito for what would be the first of several comedy movies for Arnold. That movie was Twins. Arnold and Devito play twins separated at birth and wackiness ensues. now who really sat at a movie studio meeting an said: "You know what we need? A sequel to Twins!" That movie was awesome, we need a sequel to expand upon the story of Julius and Vincent. Not only that, we need Eddy Murphy to play the titular triplet. Yes, their third brother is going to be Eddy Murphy.
Just let that sink in.
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